2023 年即将迎来 Chemistry of Materials 创刊 35 周年纪念,编辑精选 2022 年发表的 35 篇论文与大家分享,一起拉开庆祝新征程的序幕!这些论文涉及 电池材料 、 MXenes 及层状二硫化物 、 COFs 和多孔材料 、 水凝胶 、 催化、光伏、热电材料 以及 发光、光学材料 等领域。
全部文章 :
No Annealing Synthesis of Ordered Intermetallic PdCu Nanocatalysts for Boosting Formic Acid Oxidation
Xiang Li * , Yaming Liu, Jun-Jun Zhang, Bo Yan, Changqing Jin, Jingjing Dou, Mengyang Li, Xiaohua Feng, and Ge Liu
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 3, 1385-1391
Overcoming Hurdles in Oxygen Evolution Catalyst Discovery via Codesign
Karun K. Rao, Yungchieh Lai, Lan Zhou, Joel A. Haber, Michal Bajdich * , and John M. Gregoire *
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 3, 899-910
The Emerging Role of Halogen Bonding in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics
Melissa L. Ball, Jovana V. Milić * , and Yueh-Lin Loo *
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 6, 2495-2502
How to Make 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells in Ambient Air and Encapsulate Them for 500 h of Operational Stability
Muhammad Awais, Deepak Thrithamarassery Gangadharan, Furui Tan * , and Makhsud I. Saidaminov *
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 18, 8112-8118
Intrinsically Low Thermal Conductivity in the n-Type Vacancy-Ordered Double Perovskite Cs 2 SnI 6 : Octahedral Rotation and Anharmonic Rattling
Animesh Bhui, Tanmoy Ghosh, Koushik Pal, Kewal Singh Rana, Kaushik Kundu, Ajay Soni, and Kanishka Biswas *
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 7, 3301-3310
Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society
Chemistry of Materials 亮点论文庆祝创刊35周年:电池材料篇
Chemistry of Materials 亮点论文庆祝创刊35周年:MXenes及层状二硫化物篇
Chemistry of Materials 亮点论文庆祝创刊35周年:COFs和多孔材料
Chemistry of Materials 亮点论文庆祝创刊35周年:发光、光学材料篇
Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society