推广 热搜:   甲醇  绿色甲醇  聚乳酸  生物基  浙江大学    绿氨  盐酸  期刊 


   日期:2022-12-28     作者:admin    浏览:38    评论:0    
Discipline: Chemistry
Keywords: Organic Chemistry, Total Synthesis 
Doctoral School: Chemical sciences: Molecules, Materials, Instrumentation and Biosystems (2MIB)-n°571
Host Institute:  Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d’Orsay (ICMMO), UMR 8182, Université Paris Saclay, Orsay, France
Host Group: Méthodologie, Synthèse et Molécules Thérapeutiques 
PhD Supervisor: Dr. Guillaume Vincent (Directeur de Recherche)
Project description
Total Synthesis of Terpenes
Our team has been involved for several years in the development of synthetic methodology in order to accomplish the total synthesis of highly complex indole alkaloids. For instance, we developed several oxidative coupling methods between indole and phenol s 1 that culminated in the semisynthesis of voacalgine A and bipleiophyllin e. 2 We also achieved the total synthesis of 17-nor-excelsinidin e, 3 16-epi-pleiocarpamine, 16-hydroxymethyl-pleiocarpamine, taberdivarine H 4 as well as cymosid e 5 or ophiorrhine A. 6
The aim of this project is achieve the total synthetic of complex natural products in association with the development of related synthetic methods in the fields of oxidative couplings, cationic rearrangement and polycyclization. These methods would be inspired by the biosynthesis of the natural products. We are currently interested in the total synthesis of terpenes and we are therefore targeting the total synthesis of krishnolides, khayalactone or croyanoid A who are natural products which are isolated from various plant s. 7

Profile and skills required:
Master student in organic chemistry
Level of required English: Intermediate
1) a) Org. Lett . 2014 , 16 , 5752-5755; b) Ang. Chem. Int. Ed . 2014 , 53 , 11881-11885; c). Ang. Chem.Int. Ed. 2012 , 51 , 12546-12550.
2) Nat. Chem. 2017 , 9 , 793-798.
3) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed . 2018 , 57 , 12294-12298.
4) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019 , 58 , 9861-9865.
5) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020 , 59 , 1527-1531.
6) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022 , 61 , e202209135.
7) a) Fitoterapia , 2021 , 150 , 104835; b) Tetrahedron Lett . 1998 , 39 , 719-722; c) Fitoterapia , 2021 , 153 , 104979;

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